Decoding Hollywood

A New Look at Journalism and Media

Speakers: Sarah Mokh, Mohammad Zain Shafi Khan

“Believers, if a troublemaker brings you news, investigate it first, in case you wrong others unwittingly and later regret what you have done.” [49:6]

As a part of our workshop series, this segment seeks to examine the processes of media creation and consumption across film and journalism. This workshop aims to encourage students to interrogate the deeper meanings and themes contained in everyday media and consider how these productions influence how we view the world and ourselves. In addition to thoughtful critique, our speakers hope to provide a space to explore the future frontiers of what news and art can look like by our own hands.

Mirror of the Soul

Rights Towards the Self

Speakers: Shaykh Abdulrahman Cherri, Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala

“And they did not commit injustice to Us - but they were only committing injustice to themselves.” [2:57]

What is our relationship toward the self? How does inner order and harmony impact our outer surroundings? Joined by our two speakers, this workshop aims to break down common misconceptions regarding who we are, what our rights and responsibilities are, and what we can do, on a grounded and practical level, to work toward being the best version of ourselves we can be. It also hopes to connect our aspirations for justice in the world with justice in ourselves.

Justice by Design

Living the Legacy of the Imams

Speaker: Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour

“We have indeed sent Our messengers with clear proofs, the Book and the Balance, so that people may uphold equity.” [57:25]

How did the Imams live and deal with the circumstances of their time? What strategies did they enact to uphold divine justice? What lessons and takeaways can we derive from their lives? Joined by Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour, this workshop focuses on examining the narratives of Imams in varying political conditions to draw guidance from their approaches. This workshop seeks to connect us with infallible teachers and representatives in our faith.

Toward Liberation

Civic Engagement & Political Organizing

Speaker: Shannon Al-Wakeel

“Go forth, whether it is easy or difficult for you, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew.” [9:41]

Explore the intersections of societal laws, justice, and morality with speaker Shannon al-Wakeel! This workshop aims to shed light on how to navigate oppressive political systems while envisioning alternative frameworks in the tradition of Shi’a liberation theology.

Boulevards of Resistance

Countering Police Violence in LA

Speaker: Hamid Khan

“And your Lord would not have destroyed the cities unjustly while their people were reformers.” [11:117]

This workshop will explore the origins of police violence, with a focus on how LA's unique history has shaped policing in different parts of the country and influenced places across the globe. Our speaker, Hamid Khan, will discuss the broader concept of abolition, examine systemic flaws within policing today, and discuss the history of resistance to these practices and power building efforts across impacted communities.